
The RichTextEditor component is responsible for rendering a content editable element. Additionally it provides the following features:

  • Allows you to set an initial value for the rich text
  • Allows you to forcibly update the html in your rich text editor
  • Notifies you when it's time to save your rich text
  • Fires events to your control buttons when the selection changes, the editor blurs, and more. See the docs for RichTextContext for more details.

Note that the RichTextEditor must be rendered inside of a RichTextContainer component. This is because RichTextContainer provides React context that is consumed by RichTextEditor.

Basic Example

import sanitizeHTML from 'sanitize-html'
import {RichTextEditor, RichTextContainer} from 'bandicoot'

function MyEditor() {
  return (
      <RichTextEditor sanitizeHTML={sanitizeHTML} />

Advanced Example

import sanitizeHTML from 'sanitize-html'
import {useRef} from 'react'
import {RichTextEditor, RichTextContainer} from 'bandicoot'

function MyEditor() {
  const editorRef = useRef(null)

  return (
      <button onClick={resetEditor}>
        Reset editor
      <button onClick={forceSetHTML}>
        Force set html

  function save(newHTML) {
    // Will be called on blur or after unchangedInterval
    fetch('/api-endpoint', {
      method: 'PATCH',
      body: JSON.stringify({
        richText: newHTML

  function resetEditor() {

  function forceSetHTML() {
    editorRef.current.setHTML(`<span>Some new html for the editor</span>`)



  • sanitizeHTML (required): A function that will be called before Bandicoot inserts a received html string into the DOM or before Bandicoot sends the DOM content out as an html string after serialization. If no function is provided, Bandicoot throws an error. See sanitization docs for more information.
  • disabled (optional): A bool that will disable the rich text editor if true
  • initialHTML (optional): A string of html that will be the editor's initial value. Defaults to empty string.
  • save (optional): A function that will be called whenever the editor blurs or no changes are made for an unchangedInterval. The save function will be called with one argument, html, that is a serialized html string. Defaults to no-op.
  • unchangedInterval (optional): An integer number of milliseconds that will be waited before calling save(). Whenever the editor's value hasn't been saved and hasn't changed for unchangedInterval milliseconds, the save() function will be called. Defaults to null, which means that the save() function will only be called on blur.
  • className (optional): A string className that will be applied to the content editable element.
  • style (optional): An object of css styles to apply to the content editable element.
  • placeholder (optional): A string placeholder that will be shown when the rich text editor is empty.
  • placeholderStyle (optional): An object of styles for the placeholder text. Placeholder style defaults to Chrome: color: rgb(117, 117, 117) and Firefox: opacity: .5.
  • pasteFn (optional): A function that will be called whenever the user pastes to the editor. The function will be called with a string of text and returns a string that will be pasted. If you wish to prevent a paste entirely, return false from the pasteFn. Note that pasted HTMl is vulnerable to cross site scripting. See pasting docs for more details.
  • autoFocus (optional): A bool that if true will trigger focus on contentEditable after mount.
  • onInput (optional): A function that will be called when the contents of the editor change.


In addition to passing props, you can control the RichTextEditor imperatively with a React ref. The ref has the following properties:

  • setHTML(html): A function that will forcibly set the editor to have the new html string as its value.
  • getHTML(): A function that returns serialized HTML as a string. The html returned is the same as what is given to the function.
  • resetEditor(): A function that you can call to empty out the editor. This is equivalent to calling editorRef.current.setHTML('').
  • focus(): A function that you can call to forcibly focus the editor.

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