
It turns out that browsers support many rich text editing basics with a one-liner: document.execCommand(commandName). The useDocumentExecCommand hook provides the logic for doing so in a way that you don't have to worry about managing the selection.

To see a list of rich text features you can implement with this, check out this MDN documentation.


function Bold() {
  const {performCommand} = useDocumentExecCommand('bold') // Or 'italic', 'underline', or many other commands.

  return (
    <button onClick={performCommand}>

function FontFamily() {
  const {performCommandWithValue} = useDocumentExecCommand('fontName')

  return (
    <button onClick={toggleFont}>
      Change font

  function toggleFont() {
    performCommandWithValue('Arial') // Changes the font family for the currently selected text to Arial


const {performCommand, performCommandWithValue} = useDocumentExecCommand(commandName)


Return value

An object with the following properties:

  • performCommand(): a function that calls document.execCommand for you. You should call this when you want to change the selected text.
  • performCommandWithValue(value): a function that calls document.execCommand with a value.

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