
Browsers support detecting if the currently selected text is bolded, underlined, italicized, and much more with a one liner: document.queryCommandState(commandName). Additionally, you can detect what the current value is (e.g., font family is "Arial") with document.queryCommandValue(commandName).

The useDocumentQueryCommandState hook provides the logic for doing so without you having to deal with the DOM or selection.

To see a list of rich text features that you can use this with, check out this MDN documentation.

Basic Example

function Bold() {
  // isActive is a boolean that indicates if the currently selected text is bold.
  const {isActive} = useDocumentQueryCommandState('bold')

  return (
    <button className={isActive ? 'control-button-active' : ''}>

function FontFamily() {
  // activeValue is a string that indicates the currently selected fontFamily
  const {activeValue} = useDocumentQueryCommandState('fontFamily')

  return (
    <div>The currently selected text is using font family {activeValue}</div>

function Header() {
  // isActive is a boolean that indicates if the current line/selection is wrapped by h1
  const {isActive} = useDocumentQueryCommandState('formatBlock', 'h1')

  return (
    <button className={isActive ? 'control-button-active' : ''}>

Advanced Example

If you wish to customize when isActive is true, you can pass in a second argument to the hook. The second argument is a string value that will be compared to the return value of document.queryCommandValue(commandName).

function IsH1() {
  const {isActive} = useDocumentQueryCommandState('formatBlock', 'h1');

  return (
    <div className={isActive ? 'green' : ''}>This text is green when the selected text is an H1 element</div>


const {isActive, activeValue} = useDocumentQueryCommandState(commandName, activeValueMatch)


  • commandName (required): The document command that you want to check the status of.
  • activeValueMatch (optional): A string that allows you to customize when isActive is true or false. When omitted, isActive is simply the return value of document.queryCommandState(commandName), but when activeValueMatch is provided, isActive will be true when document.queryCommandValue(commandName) equals the provided activeValueMatch.

Return value

An object with the following properties:

  • isActive: A boolean that indicates whether the currently selected text is active for the specified "command". This is done with document.queryCommandState(commandName).
  • activeValue: A string that tells you what the active value is for the specified "command". For example, this can tell you the font family of the currently selected text.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""