
The useTextAsImage hook allows you to insert unmodifiable text into your rich text editor. This functionality is sometimes also called "atomic elements" or "atomic blocks".

Basic Example

import {useTextAsImage} from 'bandicoot'

function AtomicElement() {
  const {insertTextAsImage} = useTextAsImage()

  return (
    <button onClick={() => insertTextAsImage('some unmodifiable text')}>
      Insert atomic element


The way that useTextAsImage accomplishes this is by converting a string of text into an image and then inserting the image into the rich text editor. Since an image is treated by the browser as one big unmodifiable thing, the cursor, selection, and keyboard shortcuts are all handled as if the text is unmodifiable.

Bandicoot uses canvas.toDataURL() to create an img url for a string of text.

Serialization and Deserialization

Although displaying text as an image has advantages for in-browser editing, it is not desirable to store things that way in a database. So instead of storing <img data-text-as-image="the text" src="data:garbled-weird-url"> in the database, useTextAsImage converts the <img> into <span data-text-as-image="the text" /> before it is saved. This process is called serialization.

When processing stored html from a database, useTextAsImage will perform the reverse operation (deserialization) and will convert the <span> back into an <img>.

Advanced Example

import {useState} from 'react'
import {useTextAsImage} from 'bandicoot'

function AtomicElement() {
  const [unmodifiableText, setUnmodifiableText] = useState('')
  const {insertTextAsImage} = useTextAsImage({processSerializedElement})

  return (
      <input value={unmodifiableText} onChange={setUnmodifiableText} placeholder="Unmodifiable text" />
      <button onClick={() => insertTextAsImage('some unmodifiable text')}>
        Insert atomic element

  function processSerializedElement(element, text) {
    // element is a dom element that is about to be turned into an html string that will be "saved". We can
    // customize what html is saved by modifying the element.
    element.textContent = text


Since useTextAsImage creates an image for the text, it must choose the font size, family, and style upfront. If the surrounding text changes its font in any way, the image will not change.


The useContentEditableFalse hook provides an alternative way of doing the same thing. It also can handle inserting arbitrary html instead of just text strings.


const {insertTextAsImage} = useTextAsImage({processSerializedElement, fontFamily})


useTextAsImage optionally accepts one argument - an options object with the following properties:

  • processSerializedElement: A function that will be called with each text-as-image dom element in the rich text editor. This can be used to set up click listeners, change the style, etc. The function will be called for the initialHTML, calls to setHTML, and also for every text-as-image element that is inserted via useTextAsImage(). Defaults to a no-op function.
  • fontFamily (optional): A string declaring the desired font for the text.
  • fontWeight (optional): The font weight for the text. Defaults to bold.
  • fillStyle (optional): The fillStyle applied to the text. This can be used to change the font color. Defaults to #00bf4b.
  • textBottom (optional): The y position passed to fillText(). Note that the textBaseline within bandicoot is set to bottom.
  • backgroundColor (optional): The background color of the image. Defaults to transparent.

Return value

useTextAsImage returns an object with the following properties:

  • insertTextAsImage(text): A function that will insert unmodifiable text into the rich text editor. The function must be called with a string text.


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